
Habits of Emotionally Intelligent People

  Daniel Goleman 1995 Emotional Intelligence “Argued that success in life is equally, if not more dependent, on how well one understands and employs emotions, than on the more academic aspects of IQ.” What is emotional intelligence and why is it important? There are  5 domains of emotional intelligence: ·        Self-awareness, knowing what you are feeling and why you are feeling it. This includes recognizing emotions the moment it happens and the sensations in the body. ·        Self- management, handling your distressing emotions effectively, so that you respond appropriately. Thinking before you react. ·        Self-motivation, devoting ourselves to a task or goal. To exhibit self-control and handle impulsive distractions. The ability to bounce back when we experience set backs. Sometimes described as determination or resilience. ·        Empathy, kno...

Learning Partner Summary

  An asynchronous course is not my preferred style of learning but I had no choice, it is the only way to take VCC PIDP 3100 course. It was so refreshing to virtually meet my learning partner Remi. We talked about the trends in our field and adult education and chatted about our course learning and experience, as well as many other unrelated topics. Trends in our industry Remi is in the culinary industry and both our fields have been impacted by the global pandemic but in different ways. In my case co-op students have been impacted with difficulties finding work. Students have needed to become resilient and adaptable. For my learning partner the restaurant industry has been struggling with the constant changes in health and safety requirements, shut downs and take-out only business model. The industry has also required a resilient mind set with the ability to instantly pivot. A trend in this industry has been the commissary kitchen. A shared space for restaurant owners to com...


  Micro-Credentials are the new buzz word in Post Secondary Institutions (PSI) and is a fast growing trend in adult education. It’s too early to tell whether they will be a disruptor of higher education but what we do know is many leading post secondary institutions have already begun offering this type of alternative credential. This article is perfectly timed, published November 30 th 2020, at the height of the C19 global pandemic, it gives us a comprehensive look at micro-credentials and why they could be the disruptor of higher education. For many years we have been hearing about the skills and knowledge gap caused from the retirement of baby boomers, referred to by as the ‘Silver Tsunami’ . In the past year we have also seen massive unemployment and a economy that continues to decline. Micro-credentials could offer a quick pathway to new employment, PSI’s in Ontario are even able to inclu...

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Trends in my field

  As a co-op coordinator at BCIT my course is a credited course, integrated into an academic program. My course is mandatory and must be completed in order for students to graduate. I have both domestic and international students. The Work Integrated Learning (WIL) term is used to enhances students academic learning and prepare them for success in the workplace post graduation . The most important current trend that is impacting my field, is Covid-19. In March 2020 90% of my student had work placements cancelled as a result of the global pandemic. The following article was written in May 2020 and reflects what I have witnessed and experienced over the past year. Cancellation of work placements raises academic and financial concerns among postsecondary students As mentioned in the article “The cancellation or delay of a work placement could impact a graduate’s integration into the workforce and their future career prospects.” In my course 10 out of 30 students were schedul...