Trends in my field


As a co-op coordinator at BCIT my course is a credited course, integrated into an academic program. My course is mandatory and must be completed in order for students to graduate. I have both domestic and international students.

The Work Integrated Learning (WIL) term is used to enhances students academic learning and prepare them for success in the workplace post graduation.

The most important current trend that is impacting my field, is Covid-19. In March 2020 90% of my student had work placements cancelled as a result of the global pandemic.

The following article was written in May 2020 and reflects what I have witnessed and experienced over the past year.

Cancellation of work placements raises academic and financial concerns among postsecondary students

As mentioned in the article “The cancellation or delay of a work placement could impact a graduate’s integration into the workforce and their future career prospects.” In my course 10 out of 30 students were scheduled to be hired by their WIL employer after graduation and 7 of these students had their job offer rescinded. Students experienced vey sudden changes in their career prospects and became extremely concerned about their future.

The WIL placements for my course are all paid jobs and therefore had a direct impact on student’s financial circumstances. Students have been reporting having difficulty paying for living expenses and are taking out more student loans.

The sudden and dramatic changes that have taken place over the past year has changed the way I interact with students and my focus. In the past I would have been focused on building students industry network and industry related skills and in order for them to line up full time permanent jobs.

During the past year my student focus has shifted to building students resilience. I have been referring them to campus resources for financial and mental health support. I am also spending more time building student’s emotional strength, using emotional resilience strategies. For example, encouraging students to build a community of support as well as maintaining a positive self regard and to find ways to learn and grow personally while they live through this challenge.

While we know Work Integrated Learning (WIL) creates more opportunities for students to succeed in the workplace, currently developing strategies to build student’s emotional resilience will enable them to succeed post Covid-19 pandemic.


  1. Awesome, very interesting. I had two cooks working for me who were both students at the time. it really affected their life plans too.


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